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Connection and Community are Good for Your Brain

Kelly O’Shea Carney, PhD, ABPP
Board Certified Geropsychologist 
President, Dementia Friendly Lehigh Valley Steering Committee

Benjamin Franklin is credited with saying “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.”  When he first coined this phrase, he could not have had any idea about brain health and the insights we have today into the risk factors for dementia. But even so, his words could not be truer for those who care about such things. Research has identified 12 modifiable risk factors for dementia and seven of them are medical issues that your physician is likely to track during routine preventive care visits. In relation to brain health, this means that by seeing your physician for your annual physical and following the advice you are given, you can reduce your risk for dementia over the course of your lifetime.

Click here to read the entire article.

Pennsylvania Property Tax/Rent Rebate Program

Dementia Friendly Lehigh Valley is happy to share good news about the Property Tax and Rent Rebate Program. Both the income limits and the maximum rebates have increased.  Homeowners and renters may be eligible to receive from $380 to $1000 based on annual income. In addition to age requirements, household income must be $45,000 or less annually.  Only half of Social Security income is counted but the full amount of other income, such as pensions is counted. Applications are due by June 30, 2024.  If extra funds are available, the deadline is extended to December 31, 2024.  The Property Tax/Rent Rebate Program is funded by the Pennsylvania Lottery. Additional funding is provided from gaming. Since the program’s inception in 1971, older and disabled adults have received more than $8 billion in property tax and rent relief. 

The link for the Property Tax/Rent Rebate program is:
Assistance with the application process is provided by State Representative and Senator Offices. 
Find Your Legislator-PA General Assembly (

Honor or Memorialize Your Loved One and Make a Lasting Difference

Dementia Friendly Lehigh Valley can receive honorarium and memorial gifts for loved ones. By making a gift to our non-profit, you not only honor or memorialize your loved one, but also contribute to a cause that held significance to them, you, or your family. Your generosity will enable us to carry on their spirit and make a lasting impact in the Lehigh Valley regarding Dementia Friendly resources, training, and support.

Contribution information: Please make checks payable to Humanitarian Social Innovations. Include Lehigh Valley Dementia-Friendly Coalition in the memo. 301 Broadway, Suite M100-F, Bethlehem, PA 18015 or donate online at Thank you to the family of Jean Brinker for their memorial gifts and the family of Joane Hockenbery for congratulatory gifts in celebration of her retirement.

Highlights for Seniors and their Families in the Upcoming Budget

Today nearly one in four Pennsylvanians are seniors.  By 2030 that number will be one in 3. An early review of Governor Josh Shapiro’s proposed budget indicates a vision of the importance of assisting the growing numbers of older Pennsylvanians and their families. An increase in funding to local Area Agencies on Aging to coordinate and provide needed services is included. This includes a $10 million increase from the Lottery Fund. Another $5.2 million is designated to find safe emergency housing or placement for older Pennsylvanians/individuals after they are released from prison. An $11.7 million new appropriation, Aging Our Way, which will help administer services for Older Pennsylvanians and caregivers. The establishment of an Alzheimer’s Disease Division within the Department of Aging to support families dealing with Alzheimer’s and related disorders. $1.9 million is earmarked in the budget. An additional $10 million is allocated to support Long Term Care Facilities. All of these investments are in preparation for the implementation of the first ever Master Plan on Aging. Pennsylvania is committed to supporting older Pennsylvanians so they can live their lives with a sense of dignity.

Connection and Community are Good for Your Brain

It has long been known that social isolation is bad for your health.  People who have limited relationships, social connections, and/or social support, as well as those who describe themselves are lonely, are at higher risk for a multitude of negative health outcomes.  These well documented negative health outcomes include hypertension, stroke, and premature death, as well as an increased likelihood of mental health disorders, such as depression and anxiety.  In addition to these findings, there is an expanding body of evidence confirming an increased risk of developing dementia among those who lack social connection and support.

Click here to read the entire article.

Preparing Seniors for the Upcoming Flu and Cold Season

Now that the summer heat is behind us and the weather is getting colder, flu symptoms will become increasingly common. For seniors, common cold can lead to complications like bronchitis and pneumonia. For seniors struggling with more chronic conditions like diabetes or asthma, a flu infection can worsen things. Your loved one’s health should be your priority as the winter draws closer, and taking the right steps to prepare your seniors for the season is essential.

Click here to read the entire article.

Get Some Rest! Your Brain Health Depends Upon It.

We live in a busy world and each of us faces multiple competing demands that require our time and energy. Moreover, our society tells us that being busy is good and that its achievement, accomplishment, and success matter. In this context, many people forgo sleep in order to address the “to do” list in their lives. ” If there are not enough hours in the day to do all that needs to be done, skip that extra sleep and use the time to be more productive” – or so the logic of it goes for many people.

Click here to read the entire article.

Are Crossword Puzzles Good for Brain Health? Maybe…

There is a common belief that doing a crossword puzzle every day will help preserve cognitive function. While there is a grain of truth in this idea, like many commonly held beliefs, there is more to it than you might realize. It is more accurate to say that doing a crossword puzzle every day is good for your brain health IF you don’t usually do crossword puzzles. If the New York Times daily crossword has been you favorite pastime for years, learning to square dance may be better for your brain health. And if you both square dance and do crossword puzzles, then perhaps tutoring kids as a volunteer may be better for you brain.

Click here to read the entire article.

Brain Health: The Best Bet for Reducing Dementia Prevalence and Risk

For decades scientists have been searching for a treatment and cure for Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias (ADRD). This research has resulted in some positive outcomes related to understanding the disease processes underlying different forms of dementia, new tools and techniques to diagnose dementia, and the development of a few treatments that can help to maintain function for a time. But currently, we still do not have a cure for dementia, nor do we have treatments that truly hold disease progression at bay.

Click here to read the entire article.

Morningstar Living’s Memory Lane Series for Greater Community

The majority of people who are living with dementia in our community are receiving care in their homes from a family member or friend.  And most of the caregivers providing this care are also working a full-time job or are raising young children.  Whether you’re caring for a spouse, parent, other family member or friend, caregiving is hard work. And caring for a person who is living with dementia can be even harder.  Family caregivers of people who are living with dementia are at greater risk of depression, anxiety, and poor quality of life, than caregivers of people with other medical conditions.

Click here to read the entire article.

Previously Printed, Archived Newsletters

Newsletters changed from printed newsletters to e-newsletters via Constant Contact in Winter 2023. News stories from those issues are posted above. To receive the e-newsletter in full, please access the sign up in the footer.